
2025 Water Advance with Ken Ulmer

March 7-8, 2025

Conversation Partner: Ken Ulmer

Our next Water Advance is a first: We have “recalled” an earlier conversation partner for a second visit. Partly at the request of Tia Sweet, and partly because he is my favorite preacher in North America (I dedicated to him my textbook on preaching Giving Blood), we have asked Ken Ulmer to rejoin us to talk about the state of preaching today, as well as to share his thoughts about transitioning ministry after leaving a church one has served for over 40 years. Is there ministry after “retirement.”

Preaching is an oral art, and Ken Ulmer is a master of homiletic orality. The problem with reading from a manuscript is that written words are solidly grounded on the page, weighted with carved precision, while face-to-face speaking Ken Ulmer style flies on the wings of its utterance with an immediacy, intimacy and spontaneity that is airy, light and strangely moving no matter how ragged and jagged compared to manuscript preaching. I have seldom soared so high in the Spirit than experiencing a live Ken Ulmer sermon, and I have heard them all over the world. (Ask me about Latvia!)

Another reason for inviting Ulmer back? “We shall preach to no purpose unless we have a purpose in preaching.” So said Robert William Dale (1829-1895) in Yale’s Beecher Lectures (1890). And every Ken Ulmer sermons reveals the “purpose of preaching?” Lift up Christ.

Advance Conversation Partners:

Ken Ulmer
Mike Riddell
Sally Morgenthaler
Brian McLaren
Mark Driscoll
Erwin McManus
Ron Martoia

Chris Seay
Greg Paul
Luci Shaw
Lisa Samson
Alan Jamieson
Alan Hirsch
Mike Slaughter

Joan Ball
Jessie Rice
Mark Batterson
Reggie McNeal
Margaret Feinberg
John Stackhouse
Matt Knisely

Karen Swallow Prior

Frank Viola

Bob Roberts Jr.

Carl Medearis

Bill Easum

Mark Pierson

Scott Cairns

Shane J. Wood

Dr. Katie Kresser